Мод-"Fuhrmann Map Edited v2"
This is a reprint of the map Fuhrmann. The topographic map has a
completely flat. Surrounded by mountains with many trees, the vast
cultivated fields of corn, canola, barley and wheat stretch to the map
surrounded by a lush vegetation of trees varied.
Many problems were found and corrected in the original version of the map map name.
I am not satisfied with the map, I did a remake of my taste.
-> New texture (soil and fruits).
-> New time of growth.
-> New BGA by Bullgore (BGA errors were corrected).
-> New COWZOONE - Main Farm with:
-> New cowzone
-> Large garages
-> Station grains:
-> Unloading grain
-> With the grain loading "supersilo" (culture just select and load)
-> Seed loading station
-> Fertilizer Station
-> Station pesticide
-> Home to live!
-> Inventory Manure mat for easy loading
-> Silos of grass and corn silage
-> 7 large sheds for cattle (closed)
-> 2 Bale store
-> New undidade gans of silos, elevators, mill, small farm (original)
-> New Parmalat milk factory (you need to manually collect the milk.
-> New "panel" of trees for long distances
X Removal of many objects of the original map
Decreased map01.i3d x 90MB to 60MB
-> new texture
-> new complex
-> new cowzone
-> bug fixed
-> new PDA
Cultures: wheat, barley, rape, maize, grass.
вариант 1: Скачанный файл Архив в формате ZIP перетащить в папку Мои Документы\MyGames\FarmingSimulator2013\mods\
вариант 2: Скачанный файл Архив RAR разархивировать. И файлы в формате ZIP перетащить в папку Мои Документы\MyGames\FarmingSimulator2013\mods\
вариант 3: Скачанный файл EXE авто установка. Нужно кликнуть по нему два раз и запустить установку.
вариант 4: Скачанный файл устанавливается с помощью программы Giant Editor